Composed of eight young musicians aged from 18 to 25, the second class of Fondation Gautier Capuçon includes two pianists, four violinists and two cellists. These eight laureates come Germany, Canada, Italy and France.
Composed of seven young musicians aged from 18 to 25, the second class of Fondation Gautier Capuçon includes two pianists, two violinists and three cellists. These seven laureates come the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and France.
Composed of eleven young musicians aged from 18 to 25, the first class of Fondation Gautier Capuçon includes six pianists, two violinists, two cellists and a violist. These eleven laureates come from all over the world: South Korea, Italy, Canada, Morocco, Turkey, China and France.
The Foundation facilitates access to concert halls and festivals around the world for talented young artists for their own concerts and by allowing them to participate in first acts of experienced musicians’ concerts.